Bits and Pieces.

Sakthi Gnanam
2 min readDec 31, 2020
Photo by Xavi Cabrera on Unsplash

It’s usual that as humans we have our own self doubts and fears. I have always had this fear for this question,

Who am I really?

Not that I am being confronted with this question by others. But it’s the one that I had started to ask myself, whenever I happened to meet new people.

Every time I meet someone, I happened to get a different answer to the same question. It was weird.

It dawned on me that I had either acquired or let go of a taste every time.

I had admired someone being so happy always, no matter what. Someone of being calm and composed. Someone of being high always, without any drugs obviously. Someone of being a vociferous reader,writer.

I realised I had become bits and pieces of all of them. But then where do I search myself in these pieces? Don’t I have my own trait of who I am?

Back in school, I would come across a physics law or theory and I would think, we should be arriving at this theory without reading about it, at least assume what the theory is. After all we would have all the genes, that these scientists had in them, just in a different sequence.

Now thinking about it, we indeed are really bits and pieces of all these genes mixed up in a random sequence and of the traits of people we love or admire. We just steal from them and evolve into something of our own.

Do we still have to search for who we really are?

“There is nothing new under the sun.” — The Bible. (Ecclesiastes 1:9)

